viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Combinatorial Optimization

Special issue of IJAI on Combinatorial Optimization
Combinatorial Optimization is a branch of Optimization in which problems can be represented (or reduced) to discrete structures. Typically, in this kind of problems, the size of the feasible solution space increases exponentially with regard to the input parameters (or variables). Due to this, the analytical computation of true solutions (global solutions) for combinatorial problems involves high computational efforts. Thus, proposals such as Evolutionary Methods, Simulated Annealing inspired algorithms, Automata algorithms and Heuristics strategies have been designed in order to approach the set of optimal solutions. Nevertheless, no one, in general, guarantees the global solutions for combinatorial problems.
This special issue of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI) invites contributions and reviews of the latest developments in methods and their applications for the solution of combinatorial problems. Topics include (but they are not limited to):
1. Heuristics for the solution of combinatorial problems. 
2. Theoretical formulation and implementation.
3. Parallel computing for the solution of combinatorial problems.
4. Design and implementation of metaheuristics for the solution of  real-life combinatorial problems (networking design, planning and scheduling)
5. Hybrid metaheuristics for the solution of combinatorial problems.
Interested authors are solicited to make their original contributions in the above areas and contact one of the guest editors at: or or
For details and submission information concerning the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI), please visit online:
Important Dates:
July 30, 2012:  Expression of interest (title and abstract to guest editors)
August 30, 2012:   Full manuscript and cover letter
December 30, 2012:   Review comments and decision
February 30, 2013:   Revised, final manuscript
Guest Editors:
Elias D. Niño-Ruiz
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia
Full Time Researcher
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24060, USA
(email: )
Yezid Donoso
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Universidad de los Andes
Bogota, Colombia
Ivan Saavedra-Antolinez
Full Time Researcher
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI  53201, USA